Hunt's at his Daddy's so once again CC and I are having a "Girls Weekend"!
We started it out at the big new beautiful HEB, which is really my equivalent of going to the mall. Since clothes shopping has SIGNIFICANTLY lost it's appeal, I prefer to wander the aisles of the greatest grocery store known to man. You question my obsession of this culinary mecca? My girl friend Amanda posted a blog about it too, so there. Anyways, baby sister was craving some chirizo and eggs in fresh tortillas and knowing that HEB's Tortilliaria (or whatever) makes the best tortillas you can buy, that served as my perfect excuse to drive past four other grocery stores and hit up the heeeeeb. Of course I was lured in to the produce section which is absolutely out of control. I mean there are 900 varieties of mushrooms, every kind of leafy green, ALL the fresh herbs your heart can desire...and don't get me started on the fruit (I got a Tucson's like a cantaloupe times a million). So I got a few things to make a salad (some romaine, baby spinach, a huge green apple), then I saw this little package of varietal tiny tomatoes...are you kidding me? They deserved some fresh mozzarella and a back track to grab some fresh basil (which was packaged with the roots attached so you can put it in a vase and now my kitchen smells glorious)...then I saw the sushi, baby needed a tempura roll. Fresh salmon and a gorgeous steak both on special (practically giving them away)...oh ya, the chorizo I came in for...oh I need cheese for my breakfast tacos, oh and some crumbled gorgonzola to go in my salad with the green apple, quick jaunt over to the specialty nuts for some glazed walnuts (this salad sounds amazing), can't forget my tortillas...I'm feeling faint, they're still warm. Oh man, spicy hummus? I need some pita chips. With that I walked (really it's more of a hobble these days, I'm ridiculously pregnant) directly to the check out, this trip was getting out of control.
So what will CC and I be doing this Girls Weekend? Um, eating deliciousness....what else? I was so excited I had to call my Dad. I smiled the entire time I put the groceries away. In hindsight I should have got some eggs, seeing as they're an integral part of my breakfast tacos...and I'm now craving some sourdough bread too, does this mean I should go back?
So what will CC and I be doing this Girls Weekend? Um, eating deliciousness....what else? I was so excited I had to call my Dad. I smiled the entire time I put the groceries away. In hindsight I should have got some eggs, seeing as they're an integral part of my breakfast tacos...and I'm now craving some sourdough bread too, does this mean I should go back?
The beautiful thing is, Cierra enjoyed herself as much as I did...they had snacks out everywhere you looked...and my girl's an eater. I think she got it from me, nature vs. nurture...nurture won out this time! And just as I type this she's climbing on the couch to give me kisses and say, "I love my Mommy"...and she kisses my belly and says "I love baby LoLo". I'm excited for our Girls Weekend, they're a special time for the two of us...I always miss Hunter when he's at his Daddy's but these times alone with Cierra are special.
As lucky as I am to have met Kevin and fallen in love with the man of my dreams, him bringing CC into my life has been as much of a blessing. I never understood how people could honestly love adopted and step children as much as their own, but let me tell you...she is my daughter in every sense of the word, and I'm her Mommy just the same. Hunter is her brother and she's his sister, my parents are her grand parents and Trevor's her uncle. I love her just as I would if I'd have given birth to her and nothing will ever change that.
She's my GIRL and this weekend we'll probably look at some baby stuff with Grandma, definitely hang out with Grandpa and Claudius the Wonder Dog, maybe play at the park with Trevor and Fia...but for sure we'll enjoy our girl time...and eat eat eat :)
VERY cute pics! Come and visit me. I have one girl, and LOVE our girl time.
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